
Although advertisements in the pharmaceutical industry can sometimes give a different impression, menopause is a completely natural process, not an illness. However, some women find the symptoms associated with it to be very unpleasant. 

Hot flashes, sweating, sleeping problems, dizziness, mood swings, mental changes, dry mucous membranes, weight gain, joint and muscle pain – these are just some of the well-known symptoms. In most cases, they subside after menopause. However, for some women, the adverse effects are so debilitating that they want to undergo treatment.

Herbal medicine has proven to be successful in these areas. In many cases, they seem to be better tolerated than synthetic hormonal preparations; and still have a hormonal effect on the body.

Gentle exercise, such as Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis, is also very helpful in alleviating symptoms.



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60313 Frankfurt am Main

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