Menstrual symptoms

PMS, menstrual pain and other menstrual symptoms: Almost every woman has experienced them. Everybody experiences them differently, depending on the situations and phases of life in which they arise.

Breast tenderness, abdominal cramps, nausea, fatigue, increased emotions... In our experience, phytotherapeutic products have proven to alleviate these typical symptoms. We therefore consider herbal products to be a great alternative to conventional painkillers and hormonal preparations.

In addition to this, many women find gentle exercise to be beneficial by alleviating their cramps. Here, we rely on the Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis training methods.


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We are happy to take time to answer your questions and advise you personally. As we cannot interrupt training and therapy sessions, it is easiest if we can call you back or contact you by e-mail.

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Gemeinschaftspraxis Lämmerhirt
New: Schillerstraße 30–40
60313 Frankfurt am Main

Tel. +49 69 92038093
Fax +49 69 92038094
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