
Individual treatment selected from a wide range of options: This is our understanding of holistic physiotherapy.

From manual therapy or conventional “kinesitherapy” to matrix rhythm therapy or Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis: We provide a wide range of different forms of treatment. Which one is right for you? This depends on personal factors such as medical diagnosis, intensity of your impairment or your fitness level.

One individual may require gentle, careful exercises in order to carefully restore mobility. Whereas another individual may require more intensive sessions in order to build strength. In addition, treatment methods can be effectively combined and adapted in order to optimally support the healing process at every stage.

We will be glad to explain the specifics of each treatment method in person. In any case, we always agree upon our course of action with you. Ultimately, your personal needs and the form you are in on that day also play a role in whether your program should include a Gyrotonic session or a relaxing massage.



You’re in good hands here.

Martin Lämmerhirt
Physiotherapist, GYROTONIC®- und GYROKINESIS®-
Master-Trainer, personal trainer

Jennifer Lämmerhirt
Natural health professional, Myoreflex therapy®,
natural medicines for women,

more about us



Send us a message

We are happy to take time to answer your questions and advise you personally. As we cannot interrupt training and therapy sessions, it is easiest if we can call you back or contact you by e-mail.

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Gemeinschaftspraxis Lämmerhirt
New: Schillerstraße 30–40
60313 Frankfurt am Main

Tel. +49 69 92038093
Fax +49 69 92038094
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